Home / Student Services / Accomodation Guide

Barcelona is a big and cosmopolitan city, such a place offers a great number of different kind of accommodations, from hostels, to students’ residencies, shared flats and so on. The kind of accommodation will depend on your budget and preferences.

Aspire Business School Barcelona can provide you with information and contacts for you to find a safe and affordable accommodation, where you will feel like at home. We can also arrange the accommodation for your firsts days in Barcelona, in order for you to be able to look for a place to rent when you reach Barcelona. Please kindly inform the admission department in advance if you require this service.


Regarding the search for accommodation, it is a pleasure for us to share some tips with you. First thing first, we recommend to start searching early enough. You need to consider that: If you are an international student you will need about two months to find accommodation. If you are a Spanish student it will take you around three weeks. As a student, you have several ways to find an accommodation, such as:

  • Search for accommodation in a dormitory or students’ residency.
  • Search for a room in a shared flat or an apartment through online agencies.
  • Search for a room through the city council website.

Below you will find a list of contacts to help you through the process.



As for the dormitories you may know that there are several dormitories where you can find a single or shared room. According to the residences, you can have individual toilet, kitchen and living room, own or shared one, as well as other complementary services. Prices will depend on these criteria and needs.


Residencia RESA
Address: c/ Roger de Llúria 118, 1 – 08037 – Barcelona
Phone number: +34 902 444 447
E-mail: resa@resa.es
Web: www.resa.es


Residencia Universitaria Sarrià
Address: c/ Esports 1-7, 08017 – Barcelona
Phone number: +34 932 065 540
E-mail: campus@residenciasarria.com
Web: www.residenciasarria.com


Residencia San Marius
Address: c/ Muntaner 507, entrel., 08022 – Barcelona
Phone number: +34 607 927 937
E-mail: info@sanmarius.com
Web: www.sanmarius.com


Sant Jordi Pisos
Address: c/ Cister 1, 2º B, 08022 – Barcelona
Phone number: +34 932 541 280
E-mail: reserve.pisos@santjordi.org
Web: www.santjordi.org


Residencia Onix
Address: c/ Sardenya, 101-137, 08013 – Barcelona
Phone number: +34 932 666 100
E-mail: frontdesk@residenciaonix.com
Web: www.residenciaonix.com


Address: c/ Sardenya 326-328 entl. 2º, 08025 – Barcelona
Phone number: +34 934 367 739
E-mail: info@barcelonaresidencias.com
Web: www.barcelonaresicendias.com


Residencia Nostra Senyora de Núria
Address: c/ Roger de Llúria 147, 1º, 08037 – Barcelona
Phone number:  +34 932 171 322
E-mail: nuriaresidencia@nuriaresidencia.cat
Web: www.nuriaresidencia.cat

Àgora BCN
Address: Passeig del castanyers 21, 08035 – Barcelona
Phone number:  +34 931 669 000
E-mail: agora.info@cett.es
Web: www.agorabcn.com


Residencia Erasmus Gràcia
Address: c/ Torrent de l’Olla 212-214, 08012 – Barcelona
Phone number: +34 934 151 203
E-mail: info@residenciaerasmusgracia.com
Web: www.residenciaerasmusgracia.com


Residencia Temple
Address: c/ Joan Güell 86-88, 08028 – Barcelona
Phone number: +34 934 094 027
E-mail: temple@residenciatemple.com
Web: www.residenciatemple.com


Residencia Melon Distric
Address: Av. Paral·lel 101, 08004 – Barcelona
Phone number: +34 932 178 812
E-mail: info@melondistrict.com
Web: www.melondistrict.com


Inmoglobal Red
Address: c/ Pere IV 6, (corner with Marina street), 08005 – Barcelona
Phone number: +34 931 813 946 – 633 035 620
E-mail: info@globalred.com
Web: www.inmoglobalred.com


If what you want to rent a room or an apartment through online searching,  we recommend this top six housing platforms:

Also, there are specialized agencies that you can consult. They will help you to find a suitable accommodation for you, but remember, as they are agencies, they may charge some fee for their services. Please find a list of agencies below:

Address: c/ Mallorca, 304, entl. 1º
Phone number: +34 932 530 427 / +34 661 285 892
E-mail: info@altiro2000.com
Web: www.altiro2000.com


Address: c/ Providència 111, Bajos E, 08024 – Barcelona
Phone number: +34 932 448 260
E-mail: info@vivebarcelona.com
Web: www.vivebarcelona.com


Address: c/ Torrent de l’Olla 219, 08012 – Barcelona
Phone number: +34 932 389 072
E-mail: info@bcn-housing-students.com
Web: www.bcn-housing-students.com


Address: c/ Viladomat 89-95, entrl. 3, 08015 – Barcelona
Phone number: +34 94 231 270
E-mail: infobcn@barcelona-home.com
Web: www.barcelona-home.com


Address: c/ La Granada del Penedés 19, entrl. 2º, 08006 – Barcelona
Phone number: +34 934 150 048
E-mail: apidominguez@hotmail.com
Web:  www.apidominguez.com


COLUMNEA – Housing
Address: c/ Provença 101, 1º 2a, 08029 – Barcelona
Phone number: +34 934 949 436
E-mail: columnea@columnea.com
Web: www.columnea.com


Other option is to find an apartment or room-mates through the Citys Council’s Barcelona webpage. It’s called HabitatGejove. This is an organization created by leading universities of Barcelona, together with the Generalitat of Catalunya and Barcelona City Council, with the aim to support international students who come to Barcelona. You can find information and advices, rooms in share flats or the options to stay with a family form Barcelona, dormitories and colleges campus and so on. For more information, you can check the website, http://www.habitatgejove.com/webv2c/en/
Or visit their offices:
c/ Enric Granados 19, 08007 – Barcelona
Phone number: +34 933 239 068

TO SUM UP, SMALL TIPS:           
– Remember to start searching with enough time before your program starts.
– Compare prices and services if you are planning to rent in a dormitory.
– If you are looking for an apartment, the estimated price for a studio starts in around 600€. If you are looking for a room in a shared flat, the price can go between 350€ and 500€.
– Look for warrants, if you are going to share a room or flat, make sure to talk to the landlord first and get the information about their house and renting rules.
– Last but not least:

Enjoy your time in Barcelona!